A supplementary newsheet for the Bowsden Bugle
September 2021
Coffee in the Village Hall ? Yes at Last ! We are delighted to announce that our first Coffee Morning in Bowsden Village Hall since Lockdown will be held on Saturday 4th September from 1000 to 1200 hrs. However there will be a few changes to reflect the changed times in which we now all live. There will be a one way system with customers arriving via the main entrance where contact details will be noted and an admission charge (£2.50 for drinks, scones and tray bakes) taken. Masks are recommended until seated, tables will be more widely spaced and orders will be taken at the tables. It’s been a long wait but we hope you will think it worthwhile.
The History Group will hold its first meeting on Monday 6th September at 7.30 p.m (doors open at 7) when local resident Michael Simpson will talk about Charles, the Second Earl Grey, champion of civil and religious liberties, campaigner for parliamentary reform and Prime Minister from 1830-1834. There is no charge for this event but contact nicholasjbjones@gmail.com or 07889 509324 for advance booking which is essential to avoid overcrowding.
The Ladies Keep Fit Group was first out of the blocks to hold an event in the newly re-opened Village Hall on Tuesday 3rd August when it began sessions at 10.00 a.m. The original group has been split to maintain social distancing but it is hoped that both will meet together weekly from Tuesday 7th September. Entrance £2.00. Contact Eileen Wilson (phone 388 543) for more.
The Bell View Soup & Sandwich Lunch re-started in August and will now continue every month in the Village Hall on the third Wednesday, the next being held on 15th September from 12.00 noon. A suggested donation of £5.00 will provide homemade soup, a choice of filled roll, a tray bake and biscuits with tea or coffee. For more information contact Jane Field at Bell View on 01668 219 220.
The History Group Extra Event is additional to their usual monthly programme of talks and is being held in the Village Hall on Monday 20th September at 7.30 p.m. The talk will be given by Dr Peter Tullet whose subject is Petroglyphs and the Stars in Northumberland. Advance booking as for the regular BHG meetings is essential (nicholasjbjones@gmail.com or 07889 509324) for more information.
The Bowsden Needlework Group will hold its first monthly meeting on Tuesday 21st September at 1.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. For more information contact Kathleen Glen (388 295)
The Bowsden Bowlers will hold their opening meeting on the new carpets in the Village Hall on Tuesday 21st September at 7.00 p.m. Beginners and seasoned hands will be equally welcome. Admission including refreshments £2.50. Contact Norma Wilson (309 250) for more details.
The new Wi-Fi now in Bowsden Village Hall demonstrates that we too have joined the 21st Century. The identifier for the relevant network and the necessary password are to be found on the noticeboard inside the Hall.
For some time Amazon Customers have been able to ask for a contribution from Amazon to their favourite charity. Recently Bowsden Village Hall has been added to the list of eligible charities. Now, when buying goods from Amazon on the internet, simply open the Amazon Smile order form, name Bowsden Village Hall as your chosen charity, choose what you what to buy and Amazon will donate a sum to BVH at no extra cost to you.
Berwick Food Festival will be held on Saturday 4th September from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. and on Sunday 5th from 10 untll 4 p.m. in Berwick Barracks. This year there is no charge for entry to the historic Barracks in which there will be an extensive street food area as well as a wide variety of shows and displays.
Construction of the new Berwick Hospital (which was reported in the August Bugle) has been delayed whilst archaeologists have been digging at the North side of the old hospital. Some interesting finds have been uncovered including a bone needle (probably used to make fishing nets as many fish bones have been found in what almost certainly were rubbish pits). Animal bones (including a complete skeleton of a horse) and many pieces of pottery from the 13th century make up the majority of artefacts found. All will be taken off site for dating and other investigations.
There is a viewing gallery off Low Greens and there is usually an archaeologist available to describe the scene. The gallery was due to close on Friday 27th August but it will now be open until 2 p.m. on Friday 17th September when the demolition contractors will take over the site. There will however be an Open Day on Friday 10th September when members of the archaeology team will be able to talk about the project and the preliminary conclusions.
Adderstone House (NE70 7HS just off the A1 near Purdy Lodge) has magnificent private gardens which are not normally open to the public. However they will be open from 11 to 5 (last entry 3 p.m.) on Sunday 12th September as part of the RHS Gardens Scheme. Refreshments, plant and produce sales stalls will be available as will be willow craft demonstrations. Entry is £5 and proceeds will be donated to Bell View, Belford. Tickets from Bell View (01668219220) or at the gate.
The October Bugle will be published at the end of September. Any news or other items for publication should be sent to the Editor (Harry Wilson 388 543 or hgew13@gmail.com) by Friday 25th September.