Bowsden Village Hall
Management Committee
Members Present:
Jacq Denham (Chair) Chris Denham (Treasurer) Nick Jones, Sandy Kerr, Tom Brewis, Pamela Brewis
1. Apologies: Graeme Reavley (Booking Secretary) Katie Holt
8 members of the community were present.
The meeting was opened at 5.00 pm by Nick Jones
2. Minutes of Meeting 29th April 2019.
Proposal: That minutes of meeting of 29th April 2019 be accepted as an accurate record.
Proposer: Pamela Brewis . Second: Tom Brewis All others were in favour of adoption.
3. Matters arising from Minutes
There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.
4. Chairman’s Report
The Chair presented a written report which was read to the Committee and the members of the community.
I see no point in reporting what has not happen since the 22nd of March when we closed the Hall due to the virus. However, the year up until lockdown was undoubtedly the most successful in terms of the number of events
The Hall has been the venue for nearly 250 events and meetings in the last year that we were open, which came to an abrupt halt at the end of March. I believe, the events that were most missed, were the Pub nights, coffee mornings and keep fit, to name a few.
I think a huge ‘thank-you’ is owed, not only to our committee but also to the volunteers, who’s help make these things happen; too many to mention – but those that come to my mind are Bobby, for her invaluable help with the coffee mornings, Eileen, who is always on hand to help with anything and of course for running the keep fit class, Sue for her delicious scones and traybake, the two Johns for their work with the bar and of course Andrew for building the “Bowsden Arms” Bar. Also, a special thank-you to Pam for organising and masterminding our new website. And, thank you Chris for successfully applying for this year’s government grant, which has saved us from financial worry.
The hall currently has no income, therefore, when the Hall eventually opens its doors again, it is vital that the whole village makes an effort to support the fund raising events, they are for everyone in the village and beyond and not just the 30% of village who normally support and attend.
Stay safe and have a happy and healthy New Year from Chris and me.
The Chair announced in her report that she was standing down from this role.
The Chairman’s report was proposed to be accepted by Nick and seconded by Pam.
5. Treasurer’s Report and Accounts for 2019/20
The Treasurer announced his resignation from the position of Treasurer. He provided a report which was circulated online and provided the accounts which had been independently examined by Mr Jonathan Gibbs.
This year has seen a continuation of the good work of the previous year. Turnover increased by £2000 and expenditure increased by £2000. Thus, the profits were almost identical. The end of year bank balance shows a reduction. This was caused by our spending more of our grant money than we received in the financial year.
There is nothing more to say, except to answer questions about the accounts.
And to say that I have enjoyed handling the finances and hope that the next treasurer will do so too.
The Committee thanked the treasurer for all his hard work and commitment to the village hall committee and to the wider community.
Sue Sim asked if all the windfarm grant has been reported on and the what the current bank balance is.
Members of the public attending requested copies of the accounts and relevant documents to be emailed to them.
6. Election of Trustees
The current Chair is resigning both as Chair and as a trustee. The current Treasurer is resigning as Treasurer and trustee. Sandy Kerr is resigning as committee member and trustee. Nick Jones is resigning as member and trustee.
The following people have stated that they will/may stand as trustees:
Graeme Reavley – Booking secretary proposed by Nick and seconded by Chris accepted nomination
Tom Brewis – proposed by Chris and seconded by Jacq – accepted nomination
Pamela Brewis – Web secretary proposed by Jacq and seconded by Chris – accepted nomination
Sue Sim – proposed by Harry seconded by Chris – awaiting further information before accepting nomination
John Sim – proposed by Harry seconded by Pam – awaiting further information before accepting nomination
Malcolm Davis-White – proposed by Chris seconded by Nick – further information before accepting nomination
Harry Wilson – proposed by Nick seconded by Tom – accepted nomination
Documents concerning current funding reporting will be circulated to all those present at the meeting and nominees will make decisions accordingly.
Nick proposed that the individuals who presented themselves as prospective trustees and have accepted nomination should be elected as trustees for the Village Hall. This was accepted by the committee.
7. AOB.
Nick on behalf of the committee, formally thanked the committee members and trustees for all the hard work they put into the events with special thanks to Chris and Jacq for the work they have done over the last 5 ½ years, Sandy for the work he has done on technology and Pam for the work on the website.
Bex & Paul Owen, Eileen Wilson, Sandy and Andreja volunteered to help informally with events or other requirements relating to the hall.
Meeting closed at 5.45pm.
Date of next Annual General Meeting to be determined 2021.